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Key Features

Longevity Partners

Project Description

In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, sustainability isn’t just a buzzword—it’s a core value. As businesses become more environmentally conscious, the demand for eco-friendly office solutions continues to grow. Enter Workscape Designs, a leader in sustainable office solutions, and Longevity Partners, a company with a deep commitment to environmental responsibility. The two joined forces for a green makeover of Longevity Partners’ Austin office—and the results speak for themselves.

The Introduction

It all began with a referral. A mutual networking partner recognized the potential partnership between Workscape Designs and Longevity Partners and believed a collaboration would lead to something extraordinary. They were not wrong. Soon after the referral, Longevity Partners reached out, setting the stage for a partnership that would redefine the standards of sustainable office environments.

The Challenge: Marrying Aesthetics with Sustainability

While Longevity Partners was eager to embrace a green approach for their Austin office, they were also committed to maintaining a professional and aesthetic environment. The challenge was to find sustainable solutions that would not compromise the workspace’s overall look and functionality.

Project Leadership

John Baran
John Baran

Re-Purposing Furniture Serves a Dual Purpose

  • Installation

Longevity Partners Virtual Tour

Longevity Partners


Pre-Existing Conditions

Combination of Pre-owned items made by Poppin and new parts to make up the order. Poppin Workstaton surfaces, Knool Pre-owed chairs and round table but workstation bases were new
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With Workscape Designs, you can count on high design, high value, and high customer centricity.
Let's elevate your office today.